BIRTH CONTROL: Is It Up to Us?, a documentary that educates audiences on the morality of birth control by applying sound, gospel-centered biblical doctrine to family planning and Christian living.

BIRTH CONTROL: How Did We Get Here?, a documentary that educates audiences on the history of birth control and its impact on the church, marriage, and family.

Many Christians are starting to question birth control's history & morality, and The BIRTH CONTROL Movie Project was created in response to a lack of information in search for those answers.

On this day... 100 Years Ago http://t.co/afcHd10f4p
The Last Verses of the Old Testament http://t.co/LQYtfddIzr
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I hope that whether you loved, hated, or felt indifferent to this review, that you get this movie and see it for yourself. Packed with American history, Church history, and discussing hot, controversial topics, Birth control: How did we get here? will leave an impression with you that you will not soon forget.