Most Christian couples enter marriage accepting the culture's view on birth control, without even questioning its history or morality. Birth control is just the means to an end, child limitation.
But Christian couples should not only consider if our actions are abortifacient, but we must question our heart motives. Instead of assuming the liberty of birth control, we must first question the morality of birth control.
We must look to see if controlling birth fits within our calling to be a witness before a lost and dying world. We must ask if our desire to control procreation displays an accurate picture of the gospel in our marriages.
The most important question Christian couples should be asking is “is the end acceptable, regardless of the means?” Abortifacient or not, is child limitation acceptable before God for modern Christians?
Once we agree on the validity of this question, a proper debate can begin. That debate must not look to emotionalism, nature, or our culture, but instead we must look to Scripture, the Word of God, by searching its pages and gleaning its wisdom in order to learn how God has called us to live.
In this documentary we will cover six core arguments defending the “no birth control” position, presenting the Biblical evidence for proper Christian Living with a womb open to the Lord and the blessings He might provide, while answering the most common objections along the way.
The Sufficiency of Scripture Does the Bible speak to this issue?
The Gospel Picture in Marriage What is the relationship between procreation & unity?
The Dominion Mandate What is it and does it still apply today?
The Natural Process What is God’s unique design of the female body?
Children as God’s Blessing What is the proper place for wisdom in family planning?
Parenthood How does Birth Control affect our understanding of God, our sanctification, and our evangelism?
BIRTH CONTROL: Is It Up to Us? will help you apply sound biblical doctrine to family planning with a true gospel-centered attitude towards children and a desire for multi-generational legacy.